Your DONATIONS at work!

The spot to drill the borehole in the village is identified

The drilling has begun. Huge medals pipes will drill down as deep as necessary until water is reached

The electric water pump is installed. For future projects a solar powered water pump will be installed to remove the necessity of electricity for operation

Building the platform for the water storage tanks

The village children have fresh water for bathing and cleaning

Water Commissioning Ceremony

8k liter Water storage tanks en route to the village

Constructing the platform for the water storage tanks

Before the Borehole and water storage tanks, villagers lined up containers awaiting the water truck and were charged 50 GHS cedis

The borehole drilling truck has arrived

The drilling commences until water spews from the borehole

Water is freely flowing from via the pump through the hose

The 8k liter water storage tanks are placed on the platform

Constructing platform for the water storage tanks

Building the platform for the water storage tanks
Building the platform for the water storage tanks

Larabanga villagers enjoying water in the village to wash, cook and clean

Janikura Village Water Commissioning Celebration

Ending the 6 hour Walk For Water Consists of:

  • Identifying a spot in the village to drill the borehole

  • Testing the water for harmful levels of minerals

  • Drilling up to 200 meters below the earths surface

  • Installing a hose down to the water level

  • Connecting a water pump to the hose

  • Installing solar panels for continuous flow of power to the water pump

  • Building a platform to support two 8k liter water storage tanks

  • Installing two 8k liter water storage tanks

A water meter locator is used to determine the depth of the drilling.

It can be 100+ meters below the earths surface.

The blue areas signify the presence of water

The water is tested for the level of mineral deposits

The water locator meter is used to determine the depth of the drilling.

Pump in full operation. The life of an electric pump is up to 24 months

Building the platform for the water storage tanks

Platform complete - Beautiful craftsmanship

Larabanga villageWater Commissioning Celebration

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